Design tool

Orientation & Application
Load cycle
Motion profile
Actuator selection
Mass: i
Stroke: i
Coefficient of friction (µ): i
Tilt angle: i
0°=horizontal, 90°=vertical
Process force: i
Direction of the process force: i
Cycle time calculation
Stroke time in one direction: i
Break after each stroke: i
Number of strokes per load cycle: i
Cycle time:
Lifetime calculation
Number of load cycles per hour:
maximum number:
Operating hours per day:
Days per year:
Total number of load cycles:
Required lifetime:
No entries are required here, please check the calculated load cycle and then click Next to go to the preselection of suitable cylinders.
Trapezoid profile according to 1/3 rule
Positioning way | m |
Positioning time | s |
max. Speed | m/s |
Acceleration | m/s² |
tb | s |
tk | s |
tv | s |
t Break | s |
Select motor mounting
Actuator capacity
Hubzylinder Auslegungstool
Configuration code: i

Ihre eingegebenen Kontaktdaten:
Ihre Projektreferenz:
Ihre Anfrage können Sie uns an office@atp-antriebstechnik.at senden
Calculation inputs
Mass | kg |
Stroke | mm |
Coefficient of friction (µ) (µ) | |
Inclination angle | ° |
Process force | N |
Force direction of the process force | |
Stroking time in one direction | s |
Pause after each stroke | s |
Number of strokes per load cycle | |
Number of load cycles per hour | |
Operating hours per day | |
Days per year | |
Years |
Motion profile
Calculation results
Fmax Application | N |
required lifetime | km |
max. lifting speed | mm/s |
Motor utilization
Please select actuator beforehand
Ausgewählter Hubzylinder
Motor utilization
Teff (RMS) | Nm |
Tmax | Nm |
Rotations Ø | rpm |
max. rpm | rpm |
matching actuators
ATP Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co KG assumes no liability for any incorrect entries. In case of an order, we check your configuration for plausibility and send you an alternative proposal if necessary.